The rich class perception of USIU-Africa

United States International University-Africa is an institute with a variety of nationalities. Lots of people from different parts of the world like South Africa, Korea, Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan, USA among others go to USIU-A to study due to the diverse cultures which make people have different perceptions about the University and the students that go there.
While rumoured but not true, not every student in USIU-A is a rich kid. In fact, most students happen to be ordinary people from the middle class. That being said, there are also a number of students who are far well off and those are the ones that fall under the category of ‘‘rich’’. They go to school driving cars, wear designer brands and invest a lot in their hair, nails and makeup but not all of them are spoilt as you may come across some that are so humble and nice.
However, the largest group of students in the school are the ‘ordinary people’ just like every other university in Kenya. Ordinary students are those that do well financially just not well off like the typical rich kids. This group of people work hard.
In addition to this, USIU supports people from different financial backgrounds. This can be seen from the existence of several food joints of different class. There is JAVA which is very expensive and it takes a lot to be eating from there everyday then there is Cafelatta which is not that expensive but it is also considered to be of high pricing. Lastly is the cafeteria which is quite affordable for everyone and has good pricing levels for a university student. The fact that the University carters for all shows that it has all kinds of people and is able to accommodate all of them whether rich or not! Therefore, USIU-A is not only for the rich but for anyone who attained the required grades.nited States International University-Africa is an institute with a variety of nationalities. Lots of people from different parts of the world like South Africa, Korea, Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan, USA among others go to USIU-A to study due to the diverse cultures which make people have different perceptions about the University and the students that go there.
While rumoured but not true, not every student in USIU-A is a rich kid. In fact, most students happen to be ordinary people from the middle class. That being said, there are also a number of students who are far well off and those are the ones that fall under the category of ‘‘rich’’. They go to school driving cars, wear designer brands and invest a lot in their hair, nails and makeup but not all of them are spoilt as you may come across some that are so humble and nice.
However, the largest group of students in the school are the ‘ordinary people’ just like every other university in Kenya. Ordinary students are those that do well financially just not well off like the typical rich kids. This group of people work hard.
In addition to this, USIU supports people from different financial backgrounds. This can be seen from the existence of several food joints of different class. There is JAVA which is very expensive and it takes a lot to be eating from there everyday then there is Cafelatta which is not that expensive but it is also considered to be of high pricing. Lastly is the cafeteria which is quite affordable for everyone and has good pricing levels for a university student. The fact that the University carters for all shows that it has all kinds of people and is able to accommodate all of them whether rich or not! Therefore, USIU-A is not only for the rich but for anyone who attained the required grades.

Educate your own

Educate Your Own is a student supporting student initiative with the aim to raise money to assist the needy students in school. It tries to make sure that no student drops out of school because of financial issues. They try to raise finances by having car wash sessions in schools at an affordable price and also barbeques.
They also try to go around the classes in school and try as little as ksh50 from students who are willing to contribute. Most people think that USIU-Africa is basically a school for the rich only but it’s a university with students from diverse backgrounds like any other. This club tries to make students to stay in school and pursue their majors in university.
EYO has managed to grant scholarships to 14 students in need, equaling to 25% of the student’s semester fee. This year EYO partnered with Kavash, an organization which is passionate about giving back to the society. Kavash partnered with EYO to sell bucket hats and 20% of the proceeds was donated to EYO. Their target for this year was 2 million Kenyan shillings and Kavash was committed to help them raise this amount.


Many people take usiu students as students who don’t know what they want in life, students who don’t go to school, students who are spoilt because everyone is rich of which that is not true, students who do anything they want but all this has been a myth. Many people think that academics in usiu are easy but to prove this wrong usiu is very strict academic wise. Each student is supposed to work hard failure to that there are academic dismissals after being warned several times and attaining the pass mark is not easy at all.
One is supposed to work hard , attend classes of which that is compulsory because each course has seven misses past that you get an immediate f grade , one is supposed to finish all individual assignments and group work on time failure to that you repeat the course. Our exams are also not easy but if you read well throughout the semester you will pass. Our grading system is also high.
If you get a 59 percent and below that’s an immediate F grade thus one is supposed to work hard not to reach there.A grade is 90 percent to 100 percent.HANGING THE WAY PEOPLE VIEW USIU
Many people take usiu students as students who don’t know what they want in life, students who don’t go to school, students who are spoilt because everyone is rich of which that is not true, students who do anything they want but all this has been a myth. Many people think that academics in usiu are easy but to prove this wrong usiu is very strict academic wise. Each student is supposed to work hard failure to that there are academic dismissals after being warned several times and attaining the pass mark is not easy at all.
One is supposed to work hard , attend classes of which that is compulsory because each course has seven misses past that you get an immediate f grade , one is supposed to finish all individual assignments and group work on time failure to that you repeat the course. Our exams are also not easy but if you read well throughout the semester you will pass. Our grading system is also high.
If you get a 59 percent and below that’s an immediate F grade thus one is supposed to work hard not to reach there.A grade is 90 percent to 100 percent.


USIU is a school full of students with different talents ranging from sports ,music, dance, we can say it’s a house of talents as we try to encourage students to participate in extra curricular activities at least havesomething to back up your academic certificate

These talents are nurtured from the moment you register yourself into club be it sports or other activities offered by the school.Sport activities consist of basketball, tennis, rugby, volleyball, hockey, martial arts and even football, lets just say we have got a little of everything.The school is also well equipped to cater for all these sports, so
students don’t have to worry about where they are going to play or practice, all sorted by the school management.65.jpg
Students get to participate in competitions not only within the country but also they get to travel to other countries just for the same thing.This can be ascertained by the number of trophies won during the competitions.So our school is not all about coming and going to the expensive outlets within the school after class or before, we are proud to say that we keep ourselves engaged with activities that will help us in future and build us into the people the society will appreciate having .